Risk Management

PT SIP is committed to implementing risk management in every business activity. For PT SIP, risk management is a series of policies, procedures, controls and methodologies to identify, measure and control every risk that arises from every Company business activity. The Company pays attention to the precautionary approach in implementing risk management and has several policies, namely:
- The preparation of the Risk Register for business and investment activities is carried out by the Risk Owner periodically by considering Shareholders input.
- Each level of Management, Function, Unit and Division is obliged to ensure that risk management is implemented in accordance with the Risk Management policy framework, strategy and principles;
- Risk management monitoring is reported periodically to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners;
- Increase commitment, responsibility, awareness and participation of the Board of Commissioners, Directors, and all employees regarding the importance of risk management.
- Establish policies that can support the successful implementation of risk management, including systems, standard procedures and methodologies agreed between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors.