About Us

PT SIP at Glance
PT SIP is an investment/participation company of Bpjamsostek and PT Nayaka Era Husada. This Company is established based on Notary Deed drawn up by Notary M. Noval Faisal, SH., M.Kn Number 17 dated 9 November 2015 domiciled in South Jakarta. The legal entity of PT Sinergi Investasi Properti has been legalized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Republic Indonesia with the decision number AHU-2473198.AH.01.01 year 2015 regarding Establishment of Limited Liability Company of PT SIP dated 21 December 2015.
In accordance with PT Sinergi Investasi Properti Articles of Association Article 4 the authorized capital of the Company is Rp454,000,000,000,- (four hunderd and fifty four billion rupiah) which consists of 454.000 (four hundred and fifty four thousand) shares, each of the shares has nominal value of Rp1,000,000,- (one billion rupiah). Based on Notarial Deed drawn up by Notary Fifidiana SH., M.Kn Number 01 dated 01 August 2023 the shareholders composition of PT Sinergi Investasi Properti are as follows:
- BPjamsostek owned 99.65% or 452,411 shares;
- PT. Nayaka Era Husada owned 0,35% or 1,589 shares.
To become a property investment company that has good value and grows sustainably.
- Developing Property business opportunities in Indonesia
- Synergize in utilizing Shareholders investment property assets
- Providing optimal benefits to Shareholders
- Carrying out the Government's assignment to Shareholders in providing housing to Low Income Communities (MBR)

Culture Values
- Have faith and devotion to God Almighty
- Always think positive
- Always be grateful for God's gifts and grace
- Be trustworthy
- Work is part of worship
- Have patience in work and career
- Prioritize organizational success
- Always maintain togetherness and cohesiveness
- Able to build communication and collaboration to achieve strategy
- Respect differences of opinion and always try to build consensus
- Maintain good behavior and be a good role model
- Respect others and giving each other help, support, guidance, words and actions are inline
- Be trustworthy
- Dare to express opinions for the good of the company
- Not easily tempted to do things that violate morality and integrity
- Doing something with sincerity and joy
- Never give up
- Dare to make decisions with measured risks
- Has a high learning spirit and thirst for new knowledge
- Have the enthusiasm to work and deliver the best results
- Responsible for the work that has been carried out
- Responsible for company's property entrusted to him/her
- Have concern and initiative to solve the company's problems
- Maintain and uphold the good reputation of the company