
PT Sinergi Investasi Properti is a leading property investment company in Indonesia.
We prioritize organizational success by maintaining togetherness and building communication and collaboration to achieve strategy. We offer exciting career opportunities, opportunities for collaboration, and space for personal growth.
The fulfillment of human capital need was conducted through new employee recruitment, both for fresh graduate or the well-experienced, by performing cooperation with universities (University Career Center) in all over Indonesia, advertisement, job fair, general application, and cooperation with recruitment institution. The policy of PT SIP recruitment program was to undergo the recruitment throughout Indonesia for PT SIP believes in the local wisdom owned by Indonesian people and develops the local people. Moreover, it was also conducted through scholarship program for outstanding students who shall have an opportunity to work in PT SIP after their graduation.
Employee selection process was arranged in several phases in order to acquire candidates who suit toPT SIP culture. PT SIP underlines not only the knowledge and skills or intellectuality (IQ), but also emotional and social maturity